Bathroom tile designs photo gallery Bathroom tile design photo gallery Photo Gallery / Bathroom backsplash and shower wall tile pictures Birds of pardise and cypress tree Yellow, 18 x 30 inches Palm tree mural with blue borders 24 x 36 inches Peacocks of paradise Cobalt blue, 18 x 30 inches Peacocks 18 x 24 inches Peacocks cobalt blue 18 x 30 inches 2 peacocks with blue border 24 x 24 inches Blue and white tiles 18 x 18 inches Six inch accent tiles in bathtub Blue and white tile mural Yellow cypress and birds of paradise 18 x 30 inches Accents and border tiles in countertop Palm tree in bath 18 x 30 inches Palm tree in bathroom 18 x 30 inches peacocks and pomegranate tree in shower wall 18 x 24 inches Floral accents in bath 6 inch accents Six inch accents behind sink Tree of life in bath